Miss Gambill's Future Bookshelf
Duck! Rabbit!
Duck! Rabbit! - Amy Krouse Rosenthal, Tom Lichtenheld

This book is a fun book to read with kids! I enjoyed that the book kept you guessing and never actually took a side. This let the reader to create their own interpretation using clues from the story. The lexile level of this book is AD20L. I would use this book in a 1st grade classroom and this would be a fun and interactive way to get the children involved during story time. I could have the children hold up duck and rabbit pictures to pick the side they are on. This could also be a time they could illustrate what they believe they saw on a sheet of paper to let them express their creativity. 

4 Stars
Carla's Sandwich
Carla's Sandwich - Debbie Herman

This book was truly a demonstration of creativity and individuality everyone has. I think this is the perfect book for 2nd and 3rd grade students who are beginning to learn more about themselves and making friends. Not everyone is going to be the same and its okay to add in your own individuality! I would use this to promote students creativity in their own ideas in class! I did not find a lexile level for this book, but it has an ATOS reading level of 3.

5 Stars
A Bad Case of Stripes
A Bad Case of Stripes - David Shannon

I had just heard of this book for the first time in my CT's class last semester and I truly loved it! It really shows the meaning for loving people for who they are and not how they look. It also has a great message of how children should treat others. I think 2nd grade is the perfect grade for this book! The lexile level of this book is AD540L. I could use this book during reading circle to discuss how we should treat others and maybe do a coloring stripes on a cut out figure activity! Children could write words of kindness of each different colored stripe.

Where the Wild Things Are
Where The Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak

I really enjoy reading this book even now. I feel that it would be a great book for intermediate ages and grades 3rd and 4th. The lexile level of this book is AD740L. This book tells the story of a little boy who imagines playing with all his wild jungle animal friends when he his sent to his room without dinner. I love how it relates to children's emotions and use of imagination to escape reality. This would be great to incorporate on a day where the lesson is about emotions and have a discussion about positive ways we can express emotions. You could have the students draw an illustrative representation of things they do when they are upset or sad and discuss ways students can let these emotions out, using techniques like play. You could also do an interactive game using emotion cards!